Saturday, August 4, 2018

Giants, Clovis Culture & Megaliths of Montana

In the state of Montana remains of giants have been found measuring from seven feet to twelve feet tall.  Also found in the state of Montana was an ancient Clovis burial site.  Montana has many megaliths near Helena and some aligned to the sun. Also nearby in northern Wyoming is the Big Horn Medicine Wheel that is a very ancient calendar that is aligned to the sun and stars.  The map below shows that the remains found are very close to ancient sites.

1866 Beadle's Monthly, Volume 1

A jaw of a human was found at Meagher’s Bar in Montana that belonged to a man that had to be twice as large as men are today.   Beadle's Monthly, column 1

1867 news – Montana Rocky Mountains Race of Giants Found

A race of giants 10 to 12 feet tall lived in the Meagher’s Bar area near Nevada, Montana in the Rocky Mountains.

1891 news – Montana Bad Lands - Giant Remains Found

In the Bad Lands of Montana the petrified remains of a giant was found and one of its leg was said to be eight feet long.

1899 news – Columbus, Montana - Prehistoric Giants found in Cave

A cave with five skeletons that measured about seven feet was found near Columbus, Montana.  Other artifacts were also found in the cave.

Big Horn Medicine Wheel

Big Horn Medicine Wheel in northern Wyoming is aligned to the sun and stars and can accurately tell time as documented in the Book ofEnoch.  To learn more about this see this site.  Medicine Wheel is said to be 10,000 years old.

Megaliths in Montana

Many Megaliths have been found and reported in Montana near Helena.  Megaliths are called Dolmens in Europe and are considered to be Celtic Culture.  Wikipedia has Dolmens categorize as Celtic (look at the bottom of the page for category).  Wikicommon’s category for Dolmens shows that 32 countries have Dolmens; however, the United States is not listed. The Megalith category does show a few for the United State; however we have many more than they show.

To see pictures of the Megaliths in Montana you must look on these two sites since I do not have permission to show their pictures on my site:

Devil’s Tower

 Devil’s tower is said to be a natural formation in Montana.  What is strange about it though is the fact that there is a similar one in Ireland called Giant’s Causeway.  I’m not a scientist; therefore I do not know if this is really natural. I mention this because of what they were named and because Irish legend says theirs was built be a giant:

According to legend, the columns are the remains of a causeway built by a giant. The story goes that the Irish giant Fionn mac Cumhaill (Finn MacCool), from the Fenian Cycle of Gaelic mythology, was challenged to a fight by the Scottish giant Benandonner. Fionn accepted the challenge and built the causeway across the North Channel so that the two giants could meet. In one version of the story, Fionn defeats Benandonner. In another, Fionn hides from Benandonner when he realises that his foe is much bigger than he is. Fionn's wife, Oonagh, disguises Fionn as a baby and tucks him in a cradle. When Benandonner sees the size of the 'baby', he reckons that its father, Fionn, must be a giant among giants. He flees back to Scotland in fright, destroying the causeway behind him so that Fionn would be unable to chase him down.” From Wikipedia

1879 news did report the remains of a giant found in Dublin, Ireland so there was giants there also (see this page).

It was named Devil’s Tower since they thought the local’s called it ‘Bad God’s Tower’. 

Below is a comparison so that you can decide whether this is natural or built by a giant.

Clovis Culture Burial Site

A Clovis burial ground was discovered in Park County, Montana which I guess is close to the Livingston area.  Two bodies were found as follow:

·         In 1961 the remains of a two year old was found that date back to 13,000 years before present.  His DNA testing results were QM3 which is Caucasian DNA.  QM3 and Rb1 are brother yDNA types which I show on this page.
·         In 1968 the remains of a 6 to 8 year old male was found that date back to 11,000 years before present.  

Also found were many artifacts including 100 stone tools and 15 tools made of bone. The Montana Historical Society has these artifacts on display.


The giants reported in Montana could be early tall Caucasian or fallen angel giants or a mixture of both.  I say this since early Caucasian DNA and Asia DNA are located in that general area

For more information see this page ‘Giants and Fallen Angels’ and 'Giant Men of Ancient Times'.


Megaliths near Helena, Montana
Clovis Burials and Artifacts

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