Tuesday, March 5, 2019

The Mayans in the State of Georgia

The History Channel aired a show that presented facts that the Mayan of Yucatan moved to the state of Georgia.  In this show they stated that the Mayan became known as the Creek Indians in Georgia and the proof offered was their language similarities.  Other proof of the Mayans in Georgia was offered as follows:

·         Both cultures used the same spiral hieroglyphs
·         Both cultures had a spiral mound
·         A copper plate found in Georgia appears to be the same or a similar picture that is on the side of the pyramid in Yucatan.
·         The Mayans painted with a pigment called ‘Maya Blue’ and this pigment is found in high quantities in Georgia; however it is only available in limited quantities in Mexico.

Here is the show that aired:

Since the History channel will no longer allow me to display a link to their show, here is a link to help you find the show on youtube  America Unearthed Mayans in Georgia  The show was 43:38 minutes long.

Reflected below is more information that is based upon the information provided in this documentary.

Creek Indians in Georgia

According to Wikipedia, the Creek Indians are now called the Muscogee Indians and their oral tradition states they arrived in Georgia from the west. The Ocmulgee Mound site has evidence of 17,000 years of continuous human habitation.

1872 news – Relics of the Maya Race

Reflected below is part of an article that the ‘New York Times’ published in 1872.  Here they state that the Mayan were not Asian.  Also of interest is that the snake represents time in their hieroglyphs (there is a snake constellation); more about the snake below).  To read the full article, click here https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4G83QsFMe1sQ3VTUkJjRmZja00/view?usp=sharing

1897 news – Prehistoric Man in Yucatan

In 1897 ‘The Kansas City Journal’ newspaper published an article called ‘Prehistoric Man’ which states the people of Yucatan built the pyramids there and then migrated to Egypt and built those pyramids. It also stated that the oldest civilization was in Yucatan and Central America. Another branch of the Yucatan people migrated to Louisiana which is right next to Georgia. 

According to this article, a 1000 year old canoe was found in Louisiana and it is the same type of canoe that was used by early Europeans. https://www.akalaat4day.com/278.html?fbclid=IwAR23DxHUmmuUWCIH4vjI9tsxcaFa2OiqVawspil6fVOWkAko5N7khFaki60

There is yDNA evidence that the Egyptians are descendant to the Mayans of North America; see this article for more information.

1922 news – Mayans & Egyptians Cultures were Similar

In 1922,’The New York Herald’ newspaper published an article about the Mayans & Egyptians.  It states that the Mayan Sphinx (pictured below) from Guatemala was moved to a museum in Philadelphia.  The article also discusses how similar the Mayans and Egyptians are to each other. The Mayan Sphinx sure looks Caucasian.  Notice the article below states that the Mayan protested human sacrifice. Also notice that the Mayan painted their body for decoration. To read the full article, click here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4G83QsFMe1sbUJPYTJ4MDgyMkE/view?usp=sharing

1923 Book – Irish in the Bible and the Pyramids

In 1923 a book was published called “Irish Wisdom Preserved in the Bible and Pyramids” which shows how the Irish were involved in the making of pyramids. What is really interesting is that Ireland had a similar culture to Georgia also.  Reflected below is from page 48 of this book.

Note:  Some say that Atlanta, Georgia was named after Atlantis.

From page 69 of this book:

From page 74 of this book:

Continued from page 74, on page 75:

From page 75 of this book:

An 1851 Newspaper article about the colonization of America. They knew white people built the mounds along the Mississippi back then and that America use to be called ‘Great Ireland’ at one time (the author of the book above never mentions that America is the Great Ireland). Below is two paragraphs from part one.
Colonization of America continued. A comparison of monuments around the world built by white people.

The bible book of Maccabees does reflect that the Israelites were pyramid builders:

 “Simon sent someone to get the bones of Jonathan his brother, and he buried him in Modein (or Modin), the city of his ancestors. All Israel mourned Jonathan with great expressions of grief for many days. Simon built a monument over the tomb of his father and his brothers. He made it high so that all might see it. It had polished stone at the front and back. He also set up seven pyramids, opposite each other, for his father and mother and four brothers. He devised an elaborate site for the pyramids, setting up great columns around them. On the columns, he put suits of armor for a permanent memorial. Beside the suits of armor, he carved ships so that all who sail the sea might see them. This is the tomb that he built in Modein, which remains to this day.” 1 Maccabees 13:25-30

The State of Georgia and Ireland

The state of Georgia and Ireland does have a similar past culture as shown on the petroglyphs below.

Georgia and Ireland both built earth lodges; Ireland later used their earth lodges for burial tombs.  Earth lodges are like churches.

The Irish book above states they did live in Spain and Spain does have petroglyphs with cupulas and spirals. Plus Spain also has ancient earthlodge houses like above. See this article regarding the petroglyphs of Spain. http://www.anynewsbd.com/petroglyphs-of-galicia.html

 The Picts of Scotland

The Pict people of Scotland were known for painting their bodies.  This body painting was for decoration and some say that they did this to keep bug bites like mosquitoes to a minimum.  So the Picts were like the Mayan in regards to body painting.  I mention this since it is a more plausible use for the Maya Blue pigment than what was offered in that video, especially since the newspaper above stated that the Mayans were against human sacrifice.  If the whole town continually wore the blue paint and bathed in that pool; there would be lots of blue clay paint in the bottom of that pool of water.  The Picts also created spiral petroglyphs like the ones in Georgia and Ireland.
The Pictish stone below has a snake or serpent and spirals like the Mayans put in their art work.  This Serpent stone also has cup marks that are also called cupules; spirals and cupules are also on the stone in Georgia. 

So now there is a Mayan, state of Georgia, Ireland, Scotland and Egypt connections.

“Truth has sprung out of the earth; and righteousness has looked down from heaven.” Sep Psa 85:11
