Saturday, March 9, 2024

Lady of Elche

 The Lady of Elche bust was discovered in 1897 near Elche, Spain. This bust is now displayed at the National Archaeological Museum of Spain in Madrid. Originally the people of Spain called her Reina Mora or Moorish Queen. Notice that the Lady of Elche has Caucasian facial features.  Wikipedia states this artifact dates back to the 4th century BC.


Then later the Lady of Elche was found on a medallion (on buckle) in 1965 in Richfield, Utah.  This artifact was found in an undisturbed area of ground while digging a septic system, it was found at an unconfirmed depth of about 6 feet. Since then, others have been found in France.

Notice that both of the Lady of Elches have the same headdress and necklaces on.

The Mystery History channel did a short video about these discoveries.

Lady of Elche of Spain


According to the site, the Lady of Elche was probably made in Northern Arizona.  Below is a quote from this page:


“The Lady bust is said to be of a polychrome, the art of polychrome apparently has been around for a very long time. Where it originated seems to be unknown however just for notation keep in mind that polychrome pots are being found all over Arizona, I guess it is of no surprise that other cultures would have the same practices who were so far apart.”


In 1987 another lady’s bust was found in Spain wearing a similar headdress and necklace.

Lady of Elche of Utah


The Lady of Elche medallion reflects Assyrian (cuneiform) writing on the top left and top right of the medallion.  Below is quoted about this writing from the site:


“It is said by an unconfirmed source that the cuneiform translates as (Left) Tomzartth (Right) Mazzaroth. According to the scholars, Mazzaroth, a term used by Job 38:32 and is supposed to mean the Zodiac, Zodiac signs, or ALL of the constellations and after reviewing the text of the original Hebrew and the King James Bible, others now are saying it translates to "the Assyrian" I find once again the supposed learned, does not know. Although possible, I highly doubt it.”


The Lady of Elche medallion reflects a lotus flower on her head.  The Lotus flower is very popular in ancient Egyptian art work and was associated with their creation story.

Spain and the American Southwest


Spain and the Southwest of America also had in common the maze hieroglyphs and they built the same types of villages.  See these pages for more information.


 Below from

The Franciscans were in control of the Holy Places and took American artifacts to Spain. More information can be found here about this.


The Ancestral Pueblo culture of America and the Castro Celtic culture of Spain and Ireland built the same types of masonry fortified villages as shown below. For more information, see this page:

The same maze hieroglyph is found in the America southwest, England, Ireland, Spain, Italy, India and Mexico. See video below and this article for more information.

Below are different articles with differing opinions regarding the Lady of Elche.  People of Spain and Southwest America did travel back and forth and had very similar cultures; therefore, it is possible to find a Lady of Elche in Utah and in Spain. Hopefully the truth about the Lady of Elche will be agreed on one day.

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